Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Speaks out on Poverty

30/06/2002 | Alexandria

Addressing the closing session of a three-day event on Poverty and human dignity, Ismail Serageldin spoke eloquently of the responsibility of the better off to think of the poor and to combat poverty. The event, a true North/South dialogue organized by Cairo University and its European partners, held its opening and closing sessions at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Serageldin gave a profound analysis of the many causes of poverty, and linked the various measures to be taken to combat poverty into a coherent program. This tour de force was delivered in about 45 minutes to a very engaged audience. The ensuing Q&A was very lively with truly excellent exchanges. Speaking in three languages depending on the questioners preference, Serageldin showed that his mastery of the material was matched by his mastery of the languages.

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