Ismail Serageldin


International Forum to Combat Human Trafficking

08/12/2010 | Alexandria

As a board member of the Suzanne Mubarak Women‘s International Peace Movement. (SMWIPM), Ismail Serageldin is invited to take part in the Luxor International Forum End Human Trafficking Now: Enforcing the UN Protocol, which is organized by End Human Trafficking Now!(EHTN!) and United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking(UN.GIFT), together with other partners, on 11-12 December 2010. EHTN! is an initiative of the SMWIPM, and is the first global campaign to involve the business community in anti-trafficking efforts.

With an aim to mobilize concerted action against this modern form of slavery, the forum will bring together a unique mix of 400 participants from media, government, business, youth, and the entertainment industry. It seeks to engage moral figures, business leaders, artists and academics to assume the role of champions of this cause, and to be key actors in the fight against human trafficking.

At the Luxor Temple, a World Debate produced by the BBC World Television, will feature leading international figures who will explore the challenges and necessary actions to eradicate human trafficking from the world.

In the closing ceremony, the first-ever anti-trafficking award will be presented to the business leader who has shown the most energy and commitment in tackling human trafficking. The winner of the trophy will be chosen by a prestigious jury including Egypt’s First Lady, Princess Mathilde of Belgium and the Aga Khan.

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