Ismail Serageldin


The Jury Meets with the Experts Committee

15/06/2010 | Paris

Once again, Serageldin meets with the Jury Committee members of the Fondation Chirac to select this year’s winner of the Fondation Chirac Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. During the meeting, an international Committee of Experts, after having identified potential conflict zones and compiled all the various peace efforts, submits to the Prize Jury a list of individuals or institutions who have contributed to creating dialogue between opposition. Chaired by Jacques Chirac, the Jury, comprised of leading peacemakers, will study the first candidates proposed by the Experts Committee, and will make its first selection and recommendations. The final selection will be made in a second jury meeting later this year.

The members of the Jury meeting with Jacques Chirac are Simone Veil, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Joaquim Chissano, Federico Mayor, Andrea Riccardi, Michel Camdessus, and Ismail Serageldin.

Serageldin is also a member of the Honor Committee of the Fondation Chirac, which consists of people of diverse experience and culture, who have all played an eminent role, in their respective countries or at the head of international organizations, towards the cause of peace and development.

The Fondation Chirac is established with the aim of protecting biodiversity, cultivating dialogue between cultures and fostering respect for the environment.

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