Ismail Serageldin


A Stellar Talk about the BA at the National Diet Library of Japan

02/10/2009 | Tokyo

At the National Diet Library (NDL) in Tokyo, Serageldin once again gripped the attention of his audience as he gave one of his stellar presentations on the BA, entitled From Papyrus to PDF: The Rebirth of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The lecture was attended by members of the NDL staff, as well as other librarians and was also open to the public. This was followed by a discussion session between Serageldin and Dr. Makoto Nagao, Librarian of the NDL, in the presence of the audience, over the issues presented in the lecture.

The NDL was established in 1948 and is the only depository library in Japan. It acquires all materials published in Japan and preserves them as national cultural heritage. Serageldin’s visit was welcomed by the NDL as a good opportunity to contemplate international cooperation in the digital environment, and to discuss the future of digital libraries.





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