Ismail Serageldin


Cairo Salon Discusses the Memory of Modern Egypt Project

21/08/2009 | Cairo

Cairo Salon TV Show, presented by Serageldin, discusses the Memory of Modern Egypt, a digital portal presenting the history of Egypt in two centuries, starting with the era of Mohamed Ali (1805), until the end of Sadat’s rule (6 October 1981).

The episode discusses the Memory of Modern Egypt Project as a definitive digital repository of materials documenting Egypt’s rich modern history during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through photographs, films, stamps, coins, newspapers, magazines, documents, and historical studies that were drafted specifically for the project. Serageldin hosts Dr. Latifa Salem, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, and Dr. Emad Abu Ghazi, History and Documents Researcher.

The first part of the episode is aired on Friday, 21 August 2009 on Channel One at 8:00 pm.

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