Ismail Serageldin


A Clarion Call

16/04/2008 | Alexandria

At the closing session of Fourth BioVisionAlexandria, Serageldin addressed his audience with a fervent and urgent call for action: “I issue a clarion call for us to indeed stop pining for the promises of tomorrow and start changing the practices of today”. Serageldin pointed out that the meeting had specifically focused on the need for action “ in the domains of food and hunger; public health and private medicine; environment and economy”. He urged youth to meet the great challenge before them: “ … harness your skill, your imagination and your determination to create a better world for all, not just for yourselves…” It is worth noting here that of the 1300 participants of the conference 70% were graduates and undergraduates. He ended his address with a passionate confidence that a new and better world can and will be created for ourselves and for others.

Click here to view a webcast of the closing session of Biovision.

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