Ismail Serageldin


BioVisionAlexandria 2008 Under Theme “From Promises to Practice”

13/04/2008 | Alexandria

Serageldin inaugurated the Fourth BioVisionAlexandria , From Promises to Practice. BioVision Alexandria alternates every second year with the World Life Sciences Forum, BioVision, Lyon. This year three Nobel laureates attended. At the inaugural session there were a number of eminent speakers: Philippe Desmarescaux, Chairman, World Life Sciences Forum; Koji Omi, Former Japanese Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy (Japan); Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Science and Research, European Commission, Belgium (through video message); Dr. Yousry El Gamal, Egyptian Minister of Education; and Serageldin himself. Welcoming the guests of this important event Serageldin said that “BioVisionAlexandria 2008 is dedicated to the effective translation of the best knowledge available into new approaches, and to encouraging scientific research that holds great promise to tackle the problems of developing countries”. The conference was attended by 1300 participants.

Click here to view a webcast of the inauguration of Biovision

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