Ismail Serageldin


Keynote Address at “Higher Education Summit for Global Development”

30/04/2008 | Washington DC

Invited to speak at the Higher Education Summit for Global Development, Serageldin delivered a keynote address entitled From Papyrus to PDFs: the Library Comes of Age. The meeting, which was convened by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, brought together university presidents from around the world. Serageldin gave an impressive presentation illustrating the groundbreaking work that the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has done using electronic tools to support scholarship and research. Focusing on innovation, Serageldin captivated the audience with his thoughts about the future of communication, information storage and accessibility. The goal of the summit was to expand the role of higher education institutions in worldwide social and economic development.

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