Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Shines Light on Reform Issues at the Library of Congress

03/10/2005 | Washington DC

Ismail Serageldin, well-known to Washingtonians as a former World Bank Vice President and leader of its civil society programs, delivered a presentation about reform in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean at the Library of Congress. Throughout the presentation, Serageldin spoke about the library of Alexandria and its emerging role as a catalyst for dialogue and reform in Egypt and the region, with special emphasis on civil society development since the issuance of the Alexandria Declaration. Furthermore, Serageldin emphasized the role of dialogue – internationally and within Egypt – in accelerating the reform process. A lively discussion ensued. Ambassador Nicholas Veliotes, Chairman of the United States-Egypt Friendship Society (USEF), moderated the discussion. The event was organized jointly by the United States-Egypt Friendship Society, the Baltimore-Luxor-Alexandria sister cities committee (Blascc), the Library of Congress and Contrack International, Inc.

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