Ismail Serageldin


A Presentation on Sustaining Sustainability

12/11/2013 | Brussels

At the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Annual Lecture 2013 held at the European Parliament in Brussels under the title “Sustaining sustainability: Making economics work for the global environment”, Serageldin gave a keynote speech on ''Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development'' . The main themes of this year’s STOA annual lecture were: Can economics work for global environment? Can economic success go hand in hand with environment protection and high social standards? How can we create green jobs?

Other keynote speakers were Achim Steiner - Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme; Monika Kircher - CEO of Infineon Technologies Austria AG; and Hans Bruyninckx - Executive Director of the European Environment Agency.

STOA is the European Parliament''s Science and Technology Options Assessment unit. It conducts studies, together with external experts, and organizes workshops and annual lectures to assist Parliament''s committees in their legislative work.

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