Ismail Serageldin


On the Future Challenges of Information Literacy

15/08/2013 | Singapore

Invited to give a keynote address at the IFLA 2013 Satellite Meeting on Information Literacy & Reference Services, Serageldin addressed a packed hall at the National Library of Singapore with a speech entitled “Information Literacy for Tomorrow”. The meeting was held at the 79th Conference of the National Committees of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA): "Re-defining and Refining Information Literacy and Reference Services in the Digital Age", which brought together leading members of the library world.

The speech was followed by a panel discussion which was moderated by Gene Tan, Director of National Library Group, and included all keynote speakers, namely, Dr Sheila Webber of the University of Sheffield; Kimberly Johnson, Google presenter; and Ismail Serageldin.

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