Ismail Serageldin


The Frontiers meeting in Cairo 17-19 November 2019

17/11/2019 | Cairo

The Frontiers Program of the NAS is a wonderful example of really effective partnership designed to allow young scientists from the USA and the Arab World to meet and exchange notes about their work at the cutting edge of science addressing the major issues of our time. All those who attended came out enriched and inspired. The NAS and the BA (the Library of Alexandria) supported by the NSF, KFAS and joined by the ASRT produced a true success. This is science collaboration at its best.
I was delighted to be involved in the 7th edition of the NAS Program of Frontiers of Science, Engineering and Medicine held in collaboration with the SIMAR center of the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. There was electricity in the air, camaraderie in the halls and civility in the debates. It was a real pleasure to see all these young scientists from the USA and the Arab World enjoying the rich and enriching discussions.

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