Ismail Serageldin



Faith and the Environment

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

As the Muslim world shakes and stirs in a fitful search to reaffirm its independent identity, it confronts the cultural as well as the political realities of a world dominated by the West generally and the United States specifically. This has lead many in the Muslim world to define their identities by emphasizing the "otherness" of the Muslim being from the hegemonic world context.1 Doubtless there is much truth to this "otherness", but emphasizing it at the outset leads to a "rejectionist" approach which, to my mind, is narrow and constrictive and in fact does not do justice to the richness and variety that Muslim culture has achieved in the past, and can achieve again, by the more self-assured process of adaptive assimilation that characterised its confrontations with the Greek and Roman cultures at the time of the early Muslim conquests of the seventh and eighth centuries A.D.


Saudis in Transition - The Challenges of a Changing Labor Market

 Ismail Serageldin, Naiem A. Sherbiny (Co-authors)    Download

Manpower and International Labor Migration in the Middle East and North Africa

 Ismail Serageldin, James A. Socknat, Stace Birks, Bob Li, and Clive A. Sinclair (Co-authors)    Download

Arab Civilization: From Current Crises to Future Horizons

Two Lectures at Beirut Arab University

Managing Water Resources Sustainably: Challenges and Solutions for the New Millennium

As the dawn of a new millennium approaches, there is growing recognition that one of the biggest challenges confronting humanity is the need to better manage the earth’s precious water resources. It is therefore fitting that the French Republic is hosting an "International Conference on Water and Sustainable Development" – a "Water Summit" – that is bringing together the various stakeholders concerned with water issues.

Managing Global Water Resources Sustainably: A World Bank Perspective

It is a privilege to join you and to share my views on water, one of nature’s precious resources. Water permeates society, and its availability impacts all facets of human endeavor, be it economic, ecological, or social. Indeed, freshwater is being dubbed as the "oil of the late 20th century" – an essential, but increasingly scarce resource for post-industrial society.

Agriculture's Role in Sustainable Human Development: An Action Agenda for the New Millennium

We live in a world of plenty, of dazzling scientific advances and technological breakthroughs. Adventures in cyberspace are at hand. Yet, our times are marred by conflict, violence, debilitating economic uncertainties and tragic poverty.

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