Ismail Serageldin



The CGIAR at Twenty-Five: Into the Future - Policy Statements

The Business of Sustainable Cities : Public-Private Partnerships for Creative Technical and Institutional Solutions (Environmentally Sustainable Development)

Enabling Sustainable Community Development (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings Series, No 8)

The Human Face of the Urban Environment : A Report to the Development Community (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings, No 5)

Nurturing Development : Aid and Cooperation in Today's Changing World (Directions in Development)

Toward Sustainable Management of Water Resources. Directions in Development series

Overcoming Global Hunger : Proceedings of a Conference on Actions to Reduce Hunger Worldwide, Hosted by the World Bank and Held at the American Unive

Water Supply, Sanitation, and Environmental Sustainability : The Financing Challenge (Directions in Development)

Making Development Sustainable : From Concepts to Action (Environmentally Sustainable Development Occasional Paper Series, No 2)

Culture and Development in Africa : Proceedings of an International Conference Held at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., April 2 and 3, 1992 (Environ)

Valuing the Environment : Proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development Held at the World Bank,

Mirrors and Windows

Frontiers are an invention of the mind. We set boundaries for ourselves and others by what we choose to see as reality and by what we choose to value.

But men and women are social creatures, and individual behavior is subjected to the control of widely shared social values. These boundaries that define the limits of acceptable behavior also tend to reflect and reinforce limits on acceptable thinking.

Home and the World : Architectural Sculpture by Two Contemporary African Artists : Aboudramane and Bodys Isek Kingelez (Focus on African Art)

Development Partners: Aid and Cooperation in the 1990s

La protection des forêts tropicales ombrophiles de l'Afrique - Deuxième édition

The Justly Balanced Society

I grew up in a civilized and secure environment where material well-being was taken for granted by the children, the social graces were held in high esteem by the parents, and culture was appreciated by all. Above all, the pursuit of knowledge, in the broadest sense, was idolized. My two sisters and I read English, French, and Arabic, on almost every subject. Conversation was substantive and sharp, almost with a debater's edge, tempered only by the civility enforced by our elders.

Friday Morning Reflections at the World Bank - Essays on Values and Development

Organizing Knowledge for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development

Space for Freedom : The Search for Architectural Excellence in Muslim Societies

Poverty Adjustment and Growth in Africa

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