Ismail Serageldin


Harvard University Revisited

19/11/2009 | Cambridge

As chair of the steering committee of the Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis (GERPA), created by the Center for Arab Women Training and Research (CAWTAR) and the World Bank in 2005, Serageldin was invited to attend GERPA's Steering Committee meeting, and the Third Annual GERPA Conference: MENA Gender and Economics Symposium -- From Research to Action. The Symposium brings together 70 participants from throughout the Arab World and Iran, as well as regional experts from North America and Europe, to promote gender equity in public policy. Both events were hosted by the Middle East Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School.

At the invitation of Harvard University Middle East Department, Serageldin gave a lecture, open to the wider public, entitled Knowledge Beyond Books: the Case of the New Library of Alexandria, in which he shows how the spirit of the ancient library is being revived in a futuristic world where books are not the dominant part of the library. Also during his visit to Harvard, Serageldin gave an address at the Official Dinner at Harvard Faculty Club.

It is worth noting that Serageldin obtained both his Master’s and Doctorate degrees from Harvard University.

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