Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Defends the "Right to Know, Right Now"

04/06/2009 | Oslo

Always a staunch defender of open access to information and freedom of expression, Serageldin gave an inspiring speech at the seminar Access to Information in a Hybrid Age which was hosted by Beacon for Freedom of Expression & the National Library of Norway as part of the Global Forum on Freedom of Expression held in Oslo June 1 - 6 2009. Serageldin spoke in a session entitled Right to Know, Right Now - The Importance of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression, which discussed the value of access to information in political participation and social inclusion. In his speech, which was entitled “To Speak and To Hear: Two Sides of the Same Coin”, Serageldin underlined that, “Knowledge is the lifeblood of societies” and maintained that, It is the contrarian view that is the birthplace of innovation, of change and of progress . He ended his speech with a fervent call for dedication to ensure not just the rights of free speech, but the rights of audiences to have access to that speech .

The event brought together activists, writers, artists, academics and thinkers, in lectures, seminars, networking, and other activities that focus on freedom of expression and human rights.

The Beacon for Freedom of Expression project is dedicated to and in honor of the Library of Alexandria. It is managed by an international board in collaboration with the National Library of Norway. Its database contains over 60,000 bibliographical entries on freedom of expression and censorship, and censored books and newspapers through the ages.

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