Ismail Serageldin


BA and TIG Join Together to Empower Youth and Promote Cross-Cultural Dialogue

03/03/2008 | Alexandria

The BA signed an important Memorandum of Understanding, forming a partnership with TakingITGlobal (TIG) in Canada, to engage youth from Canada and the MENA region in cross-cultural dialogue as well as support youth-led development, through the “Youth for Change” program. The “Youth for Change” pilot project will focus on no less than 6 priority countries from the Arab World, to achieve its objectives through several project components. TIG is an international non-profit organization headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It provides a portal for young people to find inspiration, access information and get involved in improving their local and global communities. As a charity, TIG works with global partners that include United Nations agencies, major companies and youth-focused organizations.

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