Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Presents the Hidden Patterns in Shakespeare’s Plays

30/04/2007 | Alexandria

At the annual Shakespeare conference, Serageldin engaged his audience by comparing the hidden patterns in the construction of Shakespearean drama to the geometrical phenomena of kaleidoscope and fractals. Under the heading of The Divided Self and the Counter-Voice, Serageldin offered an analysis of the racist voice in The Merchant of Venice, pointing out the strong presence of the counter-voice, mainly in the form of Shylock's famous speech in which he argues vociferously for the equality of Mankind. While Shakespeare manages to implicitly split apparent unanimity into hidden conflict, he also brings opposing elements together in the same character, as in his characterization of Othello, the military leader who functions both as outsider in and protector of the city of Venice in the play Othello. While commonly considered a play about jealousy, Serageldin offered an analysis of Othello as a tragedy of alienation concerned with the assimilation and integration (or lack thereof) of immigrants. The annual Shakespeare conference is held in April in commemoration of the legendary playwright's birthday. The event was attended by a large number of students of Shakespeare, as well as prominent academicians of English literature and Shakespearean studies.

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