As a continuation of the first meeting of March 2005, members of the task group of the Japan/Arab Dialogue convened to further address issues relating to the situation in Iraq and Palestine. H.E. Mr. Hashimoto expressed appreciation to Serageldin for having invited Special Representatives from Palestine, namely Mr. Abdullah Abdullah and Mr. Nizar Farsakh, to the discussions to help achieve a better understanding of the current conditions. Serageldin paid tribute to the late Ambassador Ehab ElSherif who had been present at the previous task group meeting earlier this year in his capacity as Deputy Assistant Minister for Arab Affairs. As previously decided upon, it was noted that the next meeting of the Japan/Arab Dialogue will held in Tokyo after the month of Ramadan. Also in attendance were; Mr. Yukio Okamoto, Dr. Ossama ElBaz and Dr. Jassim ElAnsari, Member of the Shura Council in Saudi Arabia.