Ismail Serageldin


Keynote Address on How University Education Needs to Be Transformed

01/11/2013 | Beirut

The conference titled "Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Education in Arab Universities: Quality and Added Value" co-organized by the Arab Educational Information Network - Shamaa and the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) and hosted by the Lebanese American University, opened with a keynote address by Serageldin on “The Radical Challenges University Education will Face and How it Needs to be Transformed”.

In his speech Serageldin focused on “The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution; Reinventing education; the University Yesterday and Tomorrow, and ten Aspects of the Higher education System in the 21st Century”, and sketched out some recommendations that will help lay the foundations for a proper response to a rapidly changing world.

The conference, held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon, aimed to provide a platform for educational researchers to present their perspectives on the current state of research studies in graduate programs, and to contribute to highlighting and analyzing the current trends in educational research in the Arab world.

Following the conference An-Nahar Newspaper, a leading Arabic-language daily Lebanese newspaper, requested an interview with Serageldin.

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