Ismail Serageldin


Candidates for Chirac Peacemakers Prize Presented to the Jury

03/10/2013 | Paris

Serageldin met with the jury committee members of the Chirac Foundation to select a winner for the Chirac Foundation Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. Having already convened twice this year to identify individuals committed to dialogue and mediation in tension zones, the committee of experts of the Chirac Foundation presented to the jury the proposed candidates. The list is a selection of individuals or institutions that have taken exemplary and urgent action towards prevention of clash in areas of potential conflict.

The jury, who then selects two recipients for the prize, is presided by Jacques Chirac, Former President of France and President of the Fondation Chirac, and is composed of personalities who have worked for peace and dialogue: Boutros Boutros Ghali, Former Secretary General of the United Nations; Michel Camdessus, Former Managing Director of The International Monetary Fund; Joaquim Alberto Chissano, Former President of Mozambique; Alain Juppé / Former Prime Minister of France, Jean-Pierre Landau / General Inspector of Finances, France; Federico Mayor, Former Director General of UNESCO; Andrea Riccardi , Minister for International Cooperation, Italy; Simone Veil, Member of the Académie française; Vaira Vike Freiberga, Former President of the Republic of Latvia; and Ismail Serageldin.


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